Questions to ask your photographer/ Ask yourself about your potential photographer before you hire them.
1. Do they like kids?
2. Do you feel comfortable with them?
3. Do they shoot posed images or do they prefer more candid?
4. Do you like the idea of spending an hour with them?
5. Are they going to give direction?
6. Are they fun enough to inspire your family to be fun?
7. Do you like their editing style, specifically on faces? Are faces darker, or lighter than in person, when you look at the brightest part of their face, does it have a color tinge? Like is it orange? Blue? Green? Most importantly do you LOVE it.
8. How long will it take to get your images back annnnnd:
9. The most obvious, how much do they charge, what are you getting in exchange. OK NOW OUR FAM PHOTOS FROM JESSICA HUNTER: Broadview to Weyburn is about 2 hours, so we packed all of our outfits to change their, packed a car dinner, and hit the road. When we get there and start putting our outfits on I noticed Stella’s dress was dirty. This specific dress has never been worn. In a panicked voice I ask “Stella what’s on your dress??”. (story continued below)
She does this look where her eyebrows raise, she sheepishly smiles and she raises her shoulder to hide her face, “yeah, it’s just Kraft dinner”
Ok. Weird for a dress you’ve never been allowed to wear until this moment🙄…. I look over at Hendricks and how in the world is his sweater dirty. I felt annoyed, but then I remembered, me being stressed right now, is probably the worst thing that could happen for our family pictures.
My fav thing for family photos is carrying 1 color (with some flexibility of the shade) throughout 75(ish)% of the family members' outfits. Making sure it’s not all one color on the top and one color on the bottom.
The family member who’s not wearing that color should be wearing a color that looks complimentary to the other colors. *Bonus points if that person (the 25%-person) is wearing a color that ties in with one of the other family members' outfits. * MORE ON CHOOSING OUTFITS HERE
If you were following along you know that we didn’t get our Old Navy/ Gap order in time and Chris was supposed to be our 25% of the family wearing a different color. When I made an alternative outfit I ended up liking it more, and my Instagram poll agreed. So we are way more matching then planned, but I think it works.
Some kids you can say, "smile!" and with the promise of a treat WILL PERFORM. My children and not those kids. If Stel wants to smile, she'll smile, but basically under no prompt or bribe will she put on a genuine smile. Heck she will RUN. So for Jessica Hunter to get cute pictures of them says it all. I'm so in love with how they turned out. Thank you x10000.
If you've made it this far and love our vibe I have some links for you. Not exact to ours, because like my jumper it's 5 years old and I actually pulled it out of a donate pile that still had the tags on 😂
my jumper
My jacket from BCBG isn't available anymore, but they have this cute one here
A little more budget friendly Faux Fur jacket
boys sweater
girls dress
Chris's suspenders
That's all folks, I hope you're having an amazing day!
if you have any questions about family photos, feel free to ask!
xo crystal