* I am very far from a Pinterest mom, if my kids leave the house with matching socks I consider it a win.
* Half of these might be something we do on a regular night. example) a craft or making a card, but for whatever reason saying we are going to do something in the morning, and then doing it (even if it’s a semi-regular thing) makes me feel like a rockstar mom, and makes our Christmas season just a little bit more exciting/ special!
*Looking ahead at your calendar or community calendar to see if there is anything cool happening also saves you from coming up with something on that day
THINGS HAPPENING IN #YQR *add these to your advent Calendar* Dec 1st Light up the Village. Shop Cathedral 13th ave 5PM with late night shopping Dec 1st & 2nd Rodeo (not overly Holiday ish, but would be super fun) https://tourismregina.com/calendar/maple-leaf-finals-rodeo/ Dec 5th Holiday Train Arrival Day12/5/2022 Arrival Time 7:15PM Event Start Time7:30PM Event End Time 8:00PM AddressMosaic Stadium parking lot Dec 1-11th Seussical Musical https://saskexpress.com/ Dec 4 Boney M Christmas https://www.conexusartscentre.ca/ Dec 3rd Making Spirits Bright Globe Theatre performance https://globetheatrelive.com/ Dec 6th Light the Lights
"Bundle up your family for the free annual Light the Lights outdoor celebration on Tuesday, December 6. Join City Council in celebrating the winter season by lighting up City Hall and the Queen Elizabeth II Courtyard trees.
Enjoy free winter fun including horse-drawn wagon rides, interactive ice creations, outdoor activities and games, local entertainment, free hot chocolate and treats, a virtual coloring contest, and, of course, a visit from Santa.
Be sure to dress warmly as this is an outdoor event. There will be limited access indoors."
Dec 8th Christmas Cirque Performance https://www.conexusartscentre.ca/
Dec 8th Terri Clarke Christmas show at Casino Regina
Dec 9th Barenaked Ladies Holiday show at Conexus
Dec 10th Christmas RSO
Dec 10th is free admission for the Mackenzie Art Gallery
Dec 10th Jeffrey Straker at Casino Regina https://casinoregina.com/
Dec 16th Rory Allen I'll be home for Christmas at Casino Regina
Put up Christmas tree
Snap a photo or two kids and order a print so you can do a photo craft later this month OR go to the dollar store, they have great little crafts depending on the age of your kiddo Make a Christmas countdown paper chain
Kids Christmas party, invite friends of family over for treats and a craft or movie or insert age-appropriate activity.
Write letters to Santa/, or if your kiddo is tiny you can write a letter to ‘Santa’ talking about what they are like so that you can keep it for your memories
Have a Christmas dance party (My kids are young so they really eat this up) Decorate felt tree (purchased off amazon 2 years ago, I did this early so that they could decorate their tree and not mess up the big tree everyday lol). Also someone local probably makes these now, if anyone finds a link I can add it!
Christmas movie night kids sleeping under the tree/ campout in our living room.
Find the hidden Candy Canes (like easter egg hunt)
Decorate gingerbread houses
Make some homemade Christmas cards
Go on a twinkle tour looking at holiday lights (this is a big event, popcorn, snacks, blankets)
Make marshmallow snowmen
Go outside and search for pinecones (We set up a small, real, tree outside for the birds if you had a pine tree near a front window that would work great too. We just make a bunch of ornaments loaded with edible things and then we watch for birds throughout the winter.) Make edible ornaments for the birds (dip pinecones in peanut butter roll them in bird feed glue a string on, string cranberries or popcorn) Set up and allow branches to fall for the outside tree. Decorate outside tree Make and decorate cookies to eat OR send to a loved one Christmas photo craft (there are so many photo craft projects on Pinterest!) I’ve been eyeing up the snow globe ones, so you just need some self-laminating paper Wrap presents! ( I really want to make some Christmas tree stamps with potatoes. You know cut the potato in half a cut out a tree shape) So after I wrap they can just get their creative stamping on. Make someone a treat (My kids love making stuff and giving in to the family. I love this and last year used it probably 4 times.) a)keeps the treats outta our house and b) giving is such a beautiful thing to do during the Christmas season Scavenger Hunt- Make a list of Christmas sights - This could be as easy as making an I-spy game in your house. Or one that's a little harder if you were leaving the house. Go tobogganing and have hot chocolate after
Holiday baking decorating cookies
Go on a hike and look out for Santa’s reindeer
Take some items to the food bank or community fridge
Go Caroling- Even if that means staying at home and making videos to send to family or friends Boardgame night Christmas manicure/ pedicure night! New book night, this could be gifting a couple of new Christmas books, I don't want to give too many gifts because I could see it slowly turning into a gift advent lol.
Donate a toy for a local toy drive
Go Skating
Build a snowman
Ok, that's all!
I hope this gave you some ideas, if you love this post, feel free to share it on your social sites!
Happy Planning!
xo crystal